Coaches for the 2013-2014 COWHA Season, News (Central Ontario Wolves AAA)

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Mar 10, 2013 | bm | 3706 views
Coaches for the 2013-2014 COWHA Season
Congratulations to the following coaches that have been confirmed for the 2013-2014 COWHA Season.

The 2012-2013 season has been very successful with 7 teams making it the OMHA playoffs. 

Thank-you to everyone that applied and good luck to all the teams. We look forward to another successful hockey season in 2013-2014.

We hope to see everyone out at tryouts starting April 15, 2013. Schedules will be out soon.

 Age Group Coach Email  Phone
 2005 Novice Tom Beers [email protected] 705-432-2675 
 2004 Minor Atom        James Minnie [email protected]  
 2003 Atom James Reilly j[email protected]  
 2002 Minor Peewee Steve Trumbull [email protected] 705-953-9625
 2001 Peewee Kyle Murray [email protected] 416-937-5591
 2000 Minor Bantam Kevin Smith [email protected]   
 1999 Bantam John Johnson Jr. [email protected]   
 1998 Minor Midget Brad Bricknell [email protected]  905-718-6382
 1997 and 1996 Midget      Ron Davidson [email protected]  905-493-1140
LOCK'EM or LOSE'EM! The ShaftStrap is an Anti-Theft Deterrent designed for the protection of sports related equipment such as Hockey and LAX Sticks and Baseball Bats. Developed locally by a COW Parent as a result of several hockey sticks being stolen at a tournament in 2016, the ShaftStrap is patent pending and is the only "Stick Lock" on the market. Attach the Lock to your bag permanently or use as a stand alone lock. This equipment is easily picked up and very expensive. Stop Grab'N Go Thefts! Load'em, Lock'em and Leave'em protected with the ShaftStrap!