Thank-you to our Wolves Pink in the Rink Day Sponsors!, News (Central Ontario Wolves AAA)

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Nov 15, 2014 | bm | 1412 views
Thank-you to our Wolves Pink in the Rink Day Sponsors!
We wanted to send a big Thank-you out to our generous sponsors of Wolves Pink in the Rink Day.  We truly appreciate you helping us support Cancer Research. 

Thank-you to our Sponsors:
Henry Schein Canada Inc.
Lawn Bott Robotic Mowers
Battery Handlers Inc.
Trinity Fire Protection
In Memory of Colin Mackenzie - CAND Distribution
In Memory of Denis Ardagh - The Ardagh Family
Kings Auto Wreckers
Avonhill Limousine Services Inc.
State Farm - Greg Lewis Insurance Agency Inc. 
Rene's Total Home Comfort Ltd. 
State Farm - Rob Beamer Insurance Agency Inc.
Remax Eastern Realty Inc. Brokerage
TSO Hockey

We hope to see everyone out at Lindsay Rec Centre on Saturday Nov 22, 2014 for Wolves Pink in the Rink Day!


LOCK'EM or LOSE'EM! The ShaftStrap is an Anti-Theft Deterrent designed for the protection of sports related equipment such as Hockey and LAX Sticks and Baseball Bats. Developed locally by a COW Parent as a result of several hockey sticks being stolen at a tournament in 2016, the ShaftStrap is patent pending and is the only "Stick Lock" on the market. Attach the Lock to your bag permanently or use as a stand alone lock. This equipment is easily picked up and very expensive. Stop Grab'N Go Thefts! Load'em, Lock'em and Leave'em protected with the ShaftStrap!