Volunteers and Home Centre Reps Needed, News (Central Ontario Wolves AAA)

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Jul 25, 2017 | Jay Allen | 846 views
Volunteers and Home Centre Reps Needed
Further to the recent Annual General Meeting and related appointments and elections the COW Executive would like announce that there are the following positions still available.

North Durham
Sturgeon Lake


If you are interest please contact Randy West to discuss the open position and any requirements. The majority of positions relate to the representation of the local home centres at the monthly executive meetings. These positions are voting positions and help these local home centres have a voice during the implementation of executive actions that ultimately affect the organization and the players from these centres.

LOCK'EM or LOSE'EM! The ShaftStrap is an Anti-Theft Deterrent designed for the protection of sports related equipment such as Hockey and LAX Sticks and Baseball Bats. Developed locally by a COW Parent as a result of several hockey sticks being stolen at a tournament in 2016, the ShaftStrap is patent pending and is the only "Stick Lock" on the market. Attach the Lock to your bag permanently or use as a stand alone lock. This equipment is easily picked up and very expensive. Stop Grab'N Go Thefts! Load'em, Lock'em and Leave'em protected with the ShaftStrap!