Santa wants you to come out in your Blue and White!, News (Central Ontario Wolves AAA)

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Dec 16, 2017 | Jay Allen | 883 views
Santa wants you to come out in your Blue and White!
Please join us on Saturday December 16th at the Port Perry Arena for a Wolves Holiday Classic Triple Header! The Wolves Major Midget's will be hosting a Christmas Food Drive and invite you to come out and cheer on the Minor Peewee's take on the Oshawa Generals at 3:45 PM followed by your Peewee's at 5:15 PM versus the Quinte Red Devils with . . .

the finale being your Minor Midget's hunting for a playoff spot at 7:15PM vs the North Central Predators.

There is not an entry fee but please bring a NON-PERSIHABLE FOOD ITEM for our Christmas Food Drive and be sure to dress up in your Festive Wolves Blue, White and yes Red!


LOCK'EM or LOSE'EM! The ShaftStrap is an Anti-Theft Deterrent designed for the protection of sports related equipment such as Hockey and LAX Sticks and Baseball Bats. Developed locally by a COW Parent as a result of several hockey sticks being stolen at a tournament in 2016, the ShaftStrap is patent pending and is the only "Stick Lock" on the market. Attach the Lock to your bag permanently or use as a stand alone lock. This equipment is easily picked up and very expensive. Stop Grab'N Go Thefts! Load'em, Lock'em and Leave'em protected with the ShaftStrap!