AGM Board Nomination Forms NOW Available - Please Get Involved!, News (Central Ontario Wolves AAA)

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May 07, 2018 | Jay Allen | 1023 views
AGM Board Nomination Forms NOW Available - Please Get Involved!
All COW Members. Please note the Executive Board Nomination Form is now available online (See Online Forms Section) or available for download and print within the Forms Section.

Note that all nominations must be forwarded to the Secretary no later than 20 days prior the AGM which is being held on May 30th.

This means that ALL nominations sent either through the online form, printed/signed/scanned and sent to the Secretary at [email protected] or mailed must be received by May 10th.

Please note that the COW Executive is a volunteer board and that if you would like to see a change in the organization you need to get involved. All members are invited to attend the AGM on Wednesday May 30th at 7:00 pm at the Little Britain Community Centre, 9 Arena Road, Little Britain, ON. 

LOCK'EM or LOSE'EM! The ShaftStrap is an Anti-Theft Deterrent designed for the protection of sports related equipment such as Hockey and LAX Sticks and Baseball Bats. Developed locally by a COW Parent as a result of several hockey sticks being stolen at a tournament in 2016, the ShaftStrap is patent pending and is the only "Stick Lock" on the market. Attach the Lock to your bag permanently or use as a stand alone lock. This equipment is easily picked up and very expensive. Stop Grab'N Go Thefts! Load'em, Lock'em and Leave'em protected with the ShaftStrap!