Nov 27, 2019 | Jennifer Buttar | 1115 views
Over $15,000.00 from Pink in the Rink Proceeds presented from COWHA - Great Work!
Thank you to all the teams who participated in this year's Pink in the Rink events -- Atom, Minor Peewee, Peewee, Minor Bantam, Bantam, Minor Midget and Midget. In total $15,000 was raised for cancer this year alone. $7,500.00 of the Proceeds were dontated to the Hearth Place Cancer Support Center and $7,500.00 was donated to the Canadian Cancer Society. great Work for a Great Cause!

Special thanks to all the teams, parents, friends and families that assisted in this event. We would like to acknowledge the efforts and financial support of TSO and The Bricknell Family for their continued support of this cause.
The Central Ontario Wolves have raised over $18,000 in the last two years for the cause. Congratulations to everyone involved!!