OMHA Update: New 2020-21 Pathways Announced for U7, U9 and U11, News (Central Ontario Wolves AAA)

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Dec 23, 2019 | Jay Allen | 1293 views
OMHA Update: New 2020-21 Pathways Announced for U7, U9 and U11
In the continued implementation process of the Hockey Canada Player Pathways for U7 (Initiation) and U9 (Novice) and U11 (Atom) for the 2020-2021 season, the Ontario Minor Hockey Association has received the documentation identifying the Player Pathway Policy and Rationale as passed and approved by Hockey Canada. 

A public communication directed to parents summarizing these Policies and Rationales has been posted.The documents below have been released to us by Hockey Canada and are complemented by the changes to Regulations as adopted by the Ontario Hockey Federation which have been previously communicated to you.

These documents will support member Associations as they continue their preparations to operationalize programming for the 2020-2021 season.  
The complete finalized versions of the Player Pathway documents are expected for release in February.

Any questions or requests can be directed to Kevin Hamilton or Mike Dundas at the OMHA Office, or your Regional Director.

Hockey Canada U7 Player Pathway Policy
Hockey Canada U9 Player Pathway Policy
Hockey Canada U11 Player Pathway Policy
OHF Regulations
OHF Playing Regulations
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