An Update From Craig Yule, News (Central Ontario Wolves AAA)

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Jul 28, 2020 | Jennifer Buttar | 1187 views
An Update From Craig Yule
Hello Wolves Family:

First of all, before we get to hockey, I hope you and yours are all well and are making the best of these unprecedented times.

As for hockey, as we near the end of July, we would have hoped to have completed tryouts, uniform and Wolveswear sizing, held our AGM and begun planning August training camps and for the season ahead.  As we all know, none of these 'normal' activities have taken place.

We all sit in limbo awaiting both a definition of the framework that will define hockey going forward, and when we will get the green light to begin again.  These decisions are made by, first, Hockey Canada, and second, the Ontario Minor Hockey Association.  

Add to that the City of Kawartha Lakes and the Township of Scugog, our facility providers, await both a set of parameters describing how facilities will be safely utilized, and a go-ahead from the various levels of government for them to proceed.

We are all anxious to see what the 'new normal' looks like and to resume hockey.  We on the Wolves Executive are staying in touch with the hockey hierarchy and our facility partners, and we're communicating among ourselves and considering a variety of options.  As soon as we learn the 'new rules' of operating a minor hockey association, and when we're assured that our athletes, coaches, and staff will be able to do so in a safe environment, we'll prepare a plan to proceed and communicate this with all of you.

In the meantime, stay safe and healthy.

Yours in hockey,

Craig Yule
President, OMHA/ETA Delegate
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