OHF Update to Stage 3, General Guidance and other information, News (Central Ontario Wolves AAA)

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Aug 01, 2020 | Jay Allen | 1339 views
OHF Update to Stage 3, General Guidance and other information
Further to Craig Yule's message please note that yesterday the Ontario Hockey Federation offered some guidance for Associations and the players within those Associations to begin working on and off the ice. See the attached link.  

OHF COVID 19 Bulletin UPDATE July 31st 2020   

The guidance is a clear as can be expected with the outstanding uncertainties in regard to Insurance, Municipal Facility Ice Availability, Allocation and Public Access, local Health Unit requirements and how the the OMHA and the ETA will structure a return to play under their respective governance within this new framework.  

It is however, a step in the right direction.

The OHF Update and move into Stage 3A and 3B does not take into consideration the ability to have tryouts. As such we will be discussing the next steps for the Wolves and the Wolves membership over the next few days/weeks with input from the OMHA and our ETA counterparts.


Please note we are working to get everyone back on the ice as soon as possible. In the meantime enjoy the balance of the summer and look for further updates through this site.



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