Aug 20, 2020 | Jay Allen | 1069 views
Stage 3B Registration Update No. 2
Hello Wolves Nation!
Following is an update of our plan for AAA Wolves hockey moving forward:Beginning September 1st we will move to Stage 3B of the Ontario Hockey Federation's 'Return to Play' protocol. All teams from U10 to U16 (previously Minor Atom to Minor Midget), inclusive, will begin skill development sessions with their peers (no mixing of ages or 'playing up' allowed) and our COWHA 2020-21 Head Coaches, providing the players were on last season's COWHA roster.
There are many rumours floating around about 3-on-3, 4-on-4, and even 5-on-5 game play in other associations. This is categorically untrue. ALL Minor Hockey Associations (Local League, AAA and Zones) in the Province of Ontario will graduate through the Stage 3A, 3B, 3C and 3D process ALL AT THE SAME TIMES. Meaning programming will be limited to the related stage by the OHF regardless of location or level.
A player may choose to do development at their home centre, if they are offering that. No player may choose to do development at both their home centre and their AAA zone. You must make a choice. You may, however, choose to do power skating or skills development with a private instructor in addition to COWHA's programming. As we are on a month-to-month ice schedule with the City of Kawartha Lakes we are currently planning to offer this development programming for the month of September.
What happens in October or November or beyond is entirely in the hands of the Ontario Hockey Federation in concert with the Ontario Ministry of Health. Once those decisions have been made, we will accelerate our programming to be at the leading edge of whatever is being offered across the province.
We understand that this is frustrating for all of you but rest assured that in the background we are gearing up so that we're ready to react when we get the green light from the OHF.
A registration link for September Skill Sessions will be ready by the weekend.
In the meantime, stay safe and know that hockey is on its way back!
Craig Yule