We regret
to inform you that we have decided to cease operations for the 2020-21 hockey
season effective March 31, 2021.
season has obviously been a huge challenge for all of us. We have been
working diligently with the ETA and the OMHA to attempt to have some actual
competition but, both the Public Health Units and Municipalities within the ETA
have made that very difficult.
Our PHU is
a Yellow Zone and both Kingston's and Quinte's are Green. The balance of
the PHUs in the ETA are all Red Zones. We have no reason to think that is
likely to change significantly enough to allow for competition in the near
I want to acknowledge the work of our coaches, and members of our Executive, for their efforts in facilitating our programming to date. We all appreciate your patience and that of your children. It is them, after all, who have suffered the most.
You should all be aware that, should a reasonable level of health/safety return over the summer, there will be no OHF/OMHA sanctioned on-ice programming prior to Tuesday September 7, 2021. All tryouts will be in the autumn, but not necessarily in September. A gradual return to hockey calendar is being fine-tuned and will be made available to you as soon as we receive it. I can share that, while all age divisions may return to the ice after Labour Day, the younger divisions will have mandatory pre-tryout development, in some cases for several weeks, prior to tryouts, team selection, and actual games. The older the player, the earlier the start to the season. As a result, it is unlikely that all age divisions will play a uniform number of games, as in the past.
We hope that your off season is healthy, and our general population is the same. We wish you all the very best and look forward to Wolves Hockey in September!