Update from Craig Yule, News (Central Ontario Wolves AAA)

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Dec 18, 2021 | Jennifer Buttar | 1471 views
Update from Craig Yule
I have just left a Zoom meeting with the Eastern Triple A (ETA) League.  There were discussions about pausing our league activities, and the implications of same, for the balance of the calendar year.  We felt that if a "broad-brush" approach was warranted, Hockey Canada, the OHF, or the OMHA, along with the Province, our local Public Health Units, and municipalities would have taken action.  

A resolution was passed that all league, tournament (those that have not already or may be postponed/cancelled), and team activities should continue until such time as those in authority say otherwise.  

The City of Kawartha Lakes has, effective tomorrow (December 19th), limited spectators to one per player until further notice.  Many other centres/zones have similar restrictions so it would be prudent to communicate with your Team Manager, who is being updated by our Ice Scheduler, before travelling to away games.  

For home games, we should continue all COVID protocols in place, including screening.  If teams or individuals have any questions, please reach out to our COVID Coordinator, Amber-Lee Johnston at 705-457-0273.  

I wish all of you and your families enjoy the Christmas Season and continued good health.

Craig Yule
President, OMHA/ETA Delegate
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