Feb 01, 2015 | BBK | 1922 views
Lessons On How To Rise Above
This team has had a lot of challenges, BUT this team has also risen to the occasion. They have played most of November on with 7-11 players and 2 goalies. In November, it was all they could do to make it to the third period. Last night,
with just two extra guys to switch off, they out-skated a team with almost more coaches on the bench then they had total players. The score may not show it, but the whole team has improved by leaps and bounds in their endurance and skating ability, in their ability to read the play, to kill off the penalty and most importantly, in spirit. They showed that can have fun during the game, laugh at each other and themselves, and carry themselves with pride, knowing that they are bringing it all to each game.
I am proud to watch these boys endure and rise above their circumstances. I hope that they take these lessons with them as they face their future challenges. Kudos to all of them!