Oct 29, 2012 | Pam Penna | 1335 views
Novice tied Ajax/Pickering
On Sunday October 28, 2012 the team played in Woodville, against the Ajax/Pickering Raiders.
In the first period Langille scored with the assit from Peterkin and Heyes. The Raiders came back in the second to tie the game at one a piece. Ajax/Pickering scored in the third at 2:48. It was not looking good for the Wolves. But then the boys dug in and Heyes was able to net a goal, and it was assissted by Peterkin, and Langille. The team had tied it up with 55.4 seconds remaining on the clock. Mattews made some great saves, and keep us in the game.
Overall it was a good game, and a tie with the other divisions number one team, I would say, is pretty good!!
Well done guys!!!!